Wednesday 1 July 2009

two posts in one day. GO ME!!

I went to ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS w/ Amanda, Kelly, Meghan, Allison, and Rachelle. The coolest part about it was that Abbey Road studios have a live camera feed on their website of the famous crosswalk 24 hours a day (the website is .. ). My dad & Jeff both saw me on the camera!! :) ..I am continuing my "Beatles Mania" by hitting all of the well-known Beatles spots in London this Saturday. (ALL FOR YOU DAD). Also important around 4:30 PM, my boss walks into the office w/ a bunch of bottles of wine. It was one of my coworker's last day today, so we drank wine & sang for the last hour & a 1/2 of work. Never in the states, right?! Hahaha. Definitely one thing I love about over here.. they are much more laid back. Anywho are some of my Abbey Road pictures :)

---> walking "thee crosswalk"

----> we kind of look like them, right?! hahaha!

----> I wrote on the wall .."for you DAD, <3 chels"

1 comment:

  1. Chelses - I can't tell you how awesome this is to read about what is going on with you over the pond! Sorry I haven't written but I have been reading. When my family gets the chance to travel over there we are taking you, our personal tour guide with us. How is work going? Are you learning anything you can bring back? I'll bet you'll be speaking with an ascent when you get back.

    Love you and have a great time!
